Monday, April 24, 2017

April 19, 2017 P-Day #51

Whatta week!!!! 

Well it’s happened, we are all moved in to New Glasgow!!! We went to church there for the first time this Sunday and the branch was SO welcoming!!! Two new Sisters and they were great!! AND best Easter surprise ever.....The Morphy's showed up in New Glasgow!!! They have family in Truro so they go there once a month and with transfers they found out I would no longer be there, but that I would be in New Glasgow (about a hour farther) and so they came there instead!!! They walked in the doors and I was like, "WHAAAAA!! What a coincidence!! Why are you here this week?!?!" And Sister Morphy goes, "um because you got transferred here!!!! DUH!!"  BEST. DAY. EVER. I was so surprised...and I may have teared's fine (: 

They were working with some amazing people up here!! There is a recent convert husband and wife here, Daryle and Sharon that we get to have lots of lessons with which is great! There two kids are now investigating the church! Their son Jason is 17 and their daughter Kesteal is 15, they are so awesome!! And they just started being taught so we will get to go through everything with them (: I always have the teen investigators...and I LOVE it!!! 

We also had our zone conference this week! It’s really fun to be able to gather together with lots of missionaries and discuss and be trained on how we can continually refine our skills to be better at what we are out doing all day everyday!

We also go the gift of the wonderful "tiwis" Which is just basically a car nanny (: (: It monitors our speed, how fast we accelerate, if we stop too fast, or go over big bumps at high speeds....then it reports it to our car coordinator and if we aren't driving well, they take away our car privileges (: Its fine...I didn't want to be able to drive a car anyway hahah (;

Life is really good here in New Glasgow! Sister Kiser and I get along really well! We are laughing lots!  

I hit my year mark tomorrow! WHAT?!?! How did that even happen?? 6 more months! I can't believe it's come so fast!!! Thank you all for the love, support, letters and e-mails (: They mean so much to me!! You all got me to this point!
I love you all!!! 
Have the best week!! 
-Sista Hird 

The elders even surprised us by decorating our house for us before we moved in.....yes, yes those are poop stickers...and yes, yes they are ALL over our apartment (: They even completely saran wrapped the fridge and tied our toilet shut...what nice guys (: 

One year older and wiser too....

The Morphy's
Their apartment “decorated” by the Elder Leroy and Elder Fairbanks (:

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 12, 2017 P-Day #50!!!

Hello hello!! It’s been awhile!! I have lots of news for you!!

Transfers are in and I am going to New Glasgow, I will still be an STL...but not with Sister Kilmer :( 
It’s actually kind of a weird thing, I am moving to New Glasgow but I will still also be over Truro! They used to be two separate areas but they will now be combined and I will be over both with my new companion Sister Kiser! She is great I was actually her STL last transfer and now we will be STL's together!! (: She’s really sweet so I am really excited! 
New Glasgow is about an hour away from Truro and we will be whitewashing (neither my companion or I have served there so we know nothing about the area)  Its still a branch there, but a bigger branch than here in Truro and we will be attending church in NG. So we will be up in New Glasgow must of the week and then we will be down in Truro once or twice a week to teach Jackie and Steve and our investigators ❤❤
Which I am really happy about because our investigators are doing SO well!! 
Ross is so great!! We have had three amazing lessons since I last updated you AND he came to church this past Sunday!!!! It was seriously the best thing EVER!!! It was testimony meeting and everyone bore testimony of their conversion and it was SO powerful! It was like the whole meeting was for Ross!!! 
Patrick is also doing really good! We taught him the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity and he has committed with no problem to live both and he is preparing to be baptized on the 29 of April!! Things are happening here people!!! Its sooo good! 
So now I get all these wonderful people here in Truro and the awesome people New Glasgow!! Best of both worlds!! 
Some info for ya:
My P-days are now going to be on Tuesdays! President is changing our schedule around and that's the new norm! It'll take some getting used to! But this next week it'll be on Wednesday again because of zone conferences (: 

Also since I am going to New Glasgow I have a new address:

438 Shelburne St

New Glasgow, NS B2H 3K6

Now I am just going to warn you, I am going to go crazy with pictures this week....
Last week we got to go up to Cape Breton!! It is SO beautiful and it was sooo good to see the ocean again!! I have seriously missed it! Truro is too inland to see it, this is the first time on my mission I haven't seen the ocean every day! I always seem to be right on the coast🏝

I love you all!!! 
I hope you have the best week!! Spread sparkle wherever you go!
-Sista Hird 


Sister Kilmer and Sister Hird at Cape Breton

Cape Breton

YEP THEY DID!! Elsa and Anna photo shoot before leaving each other!  These two will be friends forever! 
Sister Kilmer (Anna) and Sister Hird (Elsa)
Photo Credit to Jackie Aucoin (baptised 1 year ago!)

Friday, April 7, 2017

April 3, 2017 P-Day #49

What a wonderful week!!!  
First of all this week started with a baptism!!! Laureli was baptized and I got to be there!!!!! I was pretty much a wreck the whole time I was so happy!!! I couldn't hold it together!! Her mom told me, "you should have seen Laur at this time last year, and now she's baptized!! This is a complete 180!" Laur even brought a friend to the baptism and then invited her to come to church with her!!! Member missionary work was happening and she hadn't even been baptized an hour!!! CHANGE!! This is a Gospel of change and we are able to do that by turning to our Savior Jesus Christ!! 
We had two amazing lessons with our investigator Ross!! He wants to change SO bad and he is doing it! He has been fighting with addictions his whole life and he is overcoming them now!! 
We also taught our new 16 old investigator Kat!! She is seriously SO cool!! I LOVE HER!! We taught her the Restoration and she was just soo excited!! She kept saying, " This is the coolest thing ever!!!" "I am so excited to read The Book of Mormon!!" "There is a prophet on the earth right now!!!!" She has such an excitement for the gospel!! 

President Henry B. Erying said in the General Women's session this last Saturday. " Those who do not see their weakness's do not progress" We are weak, but through Jesus Christ we can be made strong. We just must be humble enough to see where we lack and then turn to the Savior to make those areas strengths instead of weaknesses! 
I LOVE LOVE LOVED conference!!! Ahhh I think I'll stay a missionary forever because conference is just so good when you are a missionary!! I am so stoked to get the conference ensign next month so I can really study the messages that were given! I know that the general authorities are God's servants on the earth and that by listening to them we will be able to do God's will for us and ultimately be happy! Something I think almost everyday is, "THIS IS GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!!! We have the truth!!! We have the key to happiness and the knowledge of the eternities!! No wonder we are so dang happy!!!" 
Something cool that the missionaries do here since conference doesn't start until 1 is go to other churches in the morning! So we went to the Baptist church then followed it up with the Catholic church after! WOW I gained soooo much understanding and respect for our investigators! Its really freaking hard to go into a church you have never been to and know nothing about! AND I had Sister Kilmer to go with me!! It was very interesting to see the way they did things! It was an eyeopening experience for us! ...I wasn't scared or confused at all...hahah 
It’s been a fun week!!! Sister Kilmer and I got bored this I dyed her hair! Literally I just love my companion sooooo much!! I can't believe it is week 5 already! We are just praying that we get another transfer together!!! Also Sister Kilmer’s mom is doing so good they are on a cruise this week!! (: 
President Pratt quote about me and Sister Kilmer, "When I think of your companionship I just shake my head and laugh and think, "I don't even want to know" "
So we are pretty much the best hahaha

Its a good life boys and girls
-Sister Hird



Laureli's Baptism!  Rock on!

Sister Kilmer's New Hair

Conference in Canada is the best because BULK BARN!!!

March 27, 2017 P-Day #48

This week I would like to start with a quote from a lovely man who we tried to give hot chocolate to at our Hot cocoa stand, "Brigham Smith and Phillip Young may love you, but everyone else thinks you're all a**holes"
hahahahahah ahh if that doesn't sum up the life as a missionary I really don't know what else does(: 
This week went by soooo fast!! I had such a good birthday!!! I can't believe I am 20 (Still mentally 5 though haha) I had cake everyday last week #missionaryperks 
I spent my actual birthday in Cole Harbor on exchanges and it was sooo fun!! Sister Kiser and Sister Auvigne made the yummiest pineapple cupcakes for breakfast!!! So we spent the day with them and then headed home around dinner time! We ate dinner with the lovely Aucoins!! They are recent converts here in Truro and they are just the BEST!!! They made me a maple meal!!! They do some much for us missionaries!! We are lucky to have them! 
Then we were back down in Dartmouth again Thursday for an exchange with Sister Champ and Sister Richardson...what a hoot!! They are a party and a half!!! We stayed up wayyy too late singing every Justin Bieber song we could think of...yes, I still have Bieber Fever💜
We got two new investigators this week! Becca and Ross.  They are both former investigators who we felt we should reach out to and they were interested in learning again! We are excited to teach them more!!
Ross is really cool! He stopped learning in the past because he had a hard time with the Word of Wisdom. When we stopped by he told us that he hadn't had alcohol in 3 months and was almost off coffee and smoking!! He has been sooo prepared for us!! Its really exciting!!
Laureli gets baptized tomorrow!!!!! AND President Pratt is letting me travel up to go to the baptism!!!! I am SOOOOO EXCITED!!!! 

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes!!! You are all sooo amazing!!!!! I just LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Ahhh I am the luckiest! 

-Sister Hird

 Birthday Celebration with Jackie and Steve.  Mickey Mouse pancakes and Pure Maple Syrup!  

Birthday Blankie made by STEVE!!  So Sweet!

Spoiled Birthday Girl by her Companion!