Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 29, 2017 P-Day #70

WHAT TEAM??? Wildcats!
Guys I am just high on life this week!!! What gooood times!!! 

Our investigators are doing wonderful, Sister S and I are doing good, and THE MORPHY'S GOT SEALED!! Whaaaa! As predicted... Best. Day. Ever. 
It was us, the two elders that were working them and Bro Mo's parents and when the sealer came in he scanned the room and said, "everyone here?" to Which Sis Mo replied, "everyone important" I feel so so blessed to have been a tiny party of their journey and had the chance to be there (: Shout out to Pres Pratt for being the real MVP!! 

This week we got to exchange with the Halifax sisters in Halifax! So I was back with my people (and I got to go teach the Morphy's...saw them twice in one week??? Blessed) I got to spend half day with my friend and former companion sister Kiser and with her new companion Sister Cahoon, who I now just adore! We also got to attend a RS conference with our Investigator Marilyn, and her friend in the ward Rosalita hung out with all of us the whole time too...oh Roselita says the darnedest things haha She said, "wanna know the trick to giving out Book of Mormons??? You say, 'do you want to live another day?? Then you better take this book...or I'll kill you" Good advice I'd say, I'll try it on door approaches (; 

The conference was really good! The opening speaker was Brother Cartier the seminary director of all of Atlantic Canada. He is amazing and he spoke on something that really touched me, so I wanted to share: 
One of his quotes was, "The gospel of Jesus Christ is NOT about YOU being good enough.  It is about Christ being good enough."
My thoughts on that:
Why as humans do we expect so so much from ourselves sometimes??? How many times have you felt broken, useless and like there wasn't a point because you were holding yourself to a standard you gave yourself, something that God isn't requiring of you just quite yet? Well, STOP NOW!!! Breathe. Give yourself some grace and turn to Jesus.  Your God does not want you to ever feel like you aren't enough, because you ARE!! You are enough because you are exactly who God made you. This life is a time for Happiness (2 nephi 2:25) Don't get caught up in the things you don't feel perfect at and don't expect to do it alone! That was never part of the plan! TRUST JESUS! Turn to Him, turn to your God and ask HIM what he wants you to work on and than work on that one thing! Do not let unnecessary burdens weigh you down, let Christ do His job and set you free. 
Be free 💛
-Sista Hird

This morning we went an exlpored Peggy's Cove, a really famous light house up here this morning with the Halifax and Cole Harbour Sisters (: Party party! And the mermaid pose was a must, as always (: 
Laur and I 

We acted out some bible stories for Aiden...so obvi I was the virgin Mary 
Laur and McKell

Mermaid Kilmer and Mermaid Hird

The Virgin Mary

1 comment:

  1. adorable. finishing strong as expected. enjoy your final moments of full time discipleship champ.
